Monday, July 31, 2006

Day -1 A Day of Rest

We had a good night's sleep. He slept through the night.

So today is a rest day. No more chemo. The only drug today will be Pentamadine which is to prevent Pneumocystis carinii (noo-moe-SISS-tis ) pneumonia (PCP), a very serious kind of pneumonia. This kind of pneumonia occurs commonly in patients whose immune system is not working normally, such as cancer patients or transplant patients.

Yesterday I forgot to mention he had no reactions to the Campath, no hives. The nurse, Ami, and I were so happy. He ate more and was interested in food. We had four special visitors, plus his extra special papa. His IV lines keep twisting and kinking because he is so active. When the line kinks the machines beep then we buzz the nurse. The nurses take about 5 minutes to disconnect and untwist his lines. He keeps them busy ;-)

I have healthful food to eat thanks to all of you! Frozen dishes that will last me a while. Homemade chicken soup for the soul. A huge basket of fruit. Snacks galore. A friend smuggled in some chocolate too. What are friends for ;-) Thank you for your kindnesses and hard work to organize the food and bring it here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Praise the Lord. Two nights of good sleep. No more chemo ... David is reacting well to the meds and he's regaining his appetite.

We've been praying for the donor and are excited ... just one more day.

You are a real testimony to God's goodness and are truly bringing Him glory. I am so encouraged in my own walk with the Lord to see your faith.

Love in Christ,
Alison & family