Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Zenopax Today

Labs look fine.

He had Zenopax today. It took 1 hour before they admitted him to the Day Hospital. His skin was looking great from about 5/14 to 5/20. I mean really great, like I thought we were on the path to taper the steroids. Then, on 5/21 I gave him cheddar puffs for a snack. His skin started to get really rashy almost immediately after eating some. There was no other apparent reason for the skin to flare up. Urg! I was so disappointed. No more cheddar puffs for him.

He's been doing well and enjoying life. At least I can be comforted that his quality of life is pretty good. I'm just not sure how much his little body and organs can withstand the long-term use of medications.

Sad face...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love you and always sending you and David good thoughts.
