He went for Zenopax on Thursday.
The Protopic was approved by our insurance, but it is a less concentrated dose (.03% instead of the .1%). A 2ounce tube cost me $35. David has skin GVHD all over his body so the tube will not last long. Karen told me to apply a thin layer. I'm supposed to apply the hydrocortisone 1/day and the Protopic 1/day - at different times.
It's difficult for my heart to know how to feel. At times I feel David is not living a full life, is experiencing damage to his major organs from all the medications, and for the most part not happy. My heart aches because he is becoming more sensitive to his height (or lack thereof), and the many comments made by strangers every day (not just on his height, but his red face or him looking tired). I feel that if I am not hopeful of his recovery, that he will sense my feelings, and give up. But then I think, what could possibly be good about living a life in his bad state of health? He is in a bad state of health...there is no denying that! The doctors can try all they can to make it appear that he looks good from the outside by giving him more than ten medications, but the reality, the truth, is he is not doing fine and the medications are killing him! I really don't know how to feel. I know the reality of living with chronic skin GVHD. However, I receive mixed messages from the doctors that the skin GVHD could "burn itself out." Again, I do not know how to feel. We continue to pray and look forward to the time when there will be no more sickness, or death, or suffering.
We try to live a normal life. Here are some pictures of our snow trip to Yosemite, Angles Camp, and Calaveras Big Trees - December/January 2009.

1 comment:
Aimee, I am so sorry for your ongoing struggle, physically, emotionally... I am encouraged by your perseverance and openness in sharing your heart and details of the daily battle. Your pictures are fantastic and the love your children are getting shines through.
* Please, Lord, give Aimee the strength and wisdom for each day's decisions and trials. Please uplift and uphold her today, and bring extra joy and peace from Your heart to hers. In Jesus' Name, Amen. *
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