Sunday, February 13, 2011

+1660 Eye Pressure

First, David has a couple of doctor appointments this week.  On Tuesday, he is seeing the ophthalmologist to check the pressure around his optic nerve (please pray he cooperates with the eye drops).  His last appointment, 4 weeks ago, showed very little improvement, so they increased the diuretic.  On Wednesday, he is seeing the neurologist.  If his eyes have not shown improvement, she wants to do another spinal tap to check the spinal fluid pressure.  All of his doctors are worried because he could loose his vision.  Some of you may remember the last time he had a spinal tap, he had a severe spinal headache requiring morphine.  As you can imagine, I am nervous and worried.  The last spinal tap was done by a male neurologist, so his doctors are reassuring me that the female neurologist is much better.  My daughters are also nervous for him because the last episode was very traumatic (we honestly thought he was dying).  Please ask God to give David, my daughters, and Michael and I peace of mind.

Second, David's skin has improved but not enough in the last two months to taper the steroids.  We really need him off of the oral steroids, which is one cause of the optic nerve pressure.  He has a new doctor that wants to try a new medication, which I am not happy about.  He is looking really good but we have determined that he cannot have ANY sun.  Sun sets him back.  They want me to apply the skin ointments twice/day which has been difficult for me to keep up with.  I know this regimen would help, so please pray for God to give me the time and energy to keep up with what David needs.

Third, David was tested for Celiac Disease (gluten intolerance).  When a person has one autoimmune disease (he has Hashimoto's Thyroiditis) often they will have another.  He has a secondary marker for Celiac, not the primary marker.  He is considered "borderline" Celiac through a blood test but will be tested for genetic markers soon.  He does not have any symptoms so his gastroentronologist said not to make any changes to his diet.  That was good news.  They will re-test his blood in six months to see if anything has changed.

Lastly, David is in first grade this year.  I am working on his reading and math skills.  He loves science, building with Legos, and wrestling with his baby brother.  He is a bright boy.  God has done mighty things in his life, which we are very thankful for.

Thank you for your prayers, cards, and concern.

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Bike ride in Santa Cruz

Ice skating at Winter Lodge

Winter Lodge fake bubble snow
Aimee and Michael, and especially David

1 comment:

Fred Kellers said...

Aimee and Michael,

Lucretia and I keep David in our regular prayers. We know that God will deliver precious David from this. Let it come quickly. It's wonderful to see the pictures of David smiling.