Saturday, March 31, 2007

+241 No Fevers Today

It's peaceful around here without the drills. Maybe I can take a power nap this afternoon.

He hasn't been febrile in 24 hours. Dr. Argawal would like to see him on oral antibiotics today and with no fevers. If all works out, he will go home Sunday.

He slept better last night. On the other hand, I did not sleep well. He had a noisy nurse.

He is still not eating much. He's receiving most of his nutrition from breast milk.

Oh, the TPA flush worked well. His lines are working fine now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Blessed be the lord God and thanks for the update. We must continue to pray and see this through until he(David) is completely restored. lET US KEEP PRAYING for that is the kind of sacrifice that the lord desires and not the flesh of animals as in times past of the first Testament.
a little Faith goes a long way.
By the way Karen Johnson was sick with a fever and (Elder)Mr.Bosshart sent her an anointed cloth and the same day the fever was gone. God heard our prayers for her and remembered her trial of multiple sclerosis and showed her compassion. Her FAITH restored her from the fever that she had but God does'nt respond to everyone in the same way. Sometimes it is the same day some times it is years before he does but one thing is for sure is that he wants us all to exercise our FAITH like a muscle until it is strong like a bodybuilder builds his muscle. Keep flexing and praying our FAITH muscle until it is perfected by God. Giving up is just not an option for anyone in the church. As Mr.Bosshart's says we make known to God our needs and place the rest in his most capable hands. Remember the abundance of his tender mercies and forget not all our benefits, by whose stripes we are healed. amen