We are going to another dance tomorrow night at Stepin' Out where Stompy Jones is playing.
Ecclesiastes 3:4 "a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance"
My son had a mild common mutation of Wiskott Aldrich Syndrome (WAS). We decided, after 2 years of research, to not do the BMT but one month after our decision, he had a brain hemorrhage from jumping on a trampoline. His hemorrhage was treated with platelets but we were quickly encouraged to do the BMT. When he was two yrs old, he had a BMT with a 10/10 unrelated adult donor. We hope our research will help other families struggling with WAS. Feel free to email me: aimeemcnally@gmail.com
Great to see you having some fun.
I am delighted that you and Michael have started dancing again, and that the children get to hockey pokey together. Way to go family!
Wow, I am so glad to see you having some time with your husband. It must have been wonderful. Good for you guys!!
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