Saturday, July 15, 2006

Sooner than I thought

David was admitted tonight for another (or maybe the same one he had earlier this week) bacterial line infection called Bacillus. The doctor on-call said tomorrow the BMT doctor(s) will discuss whether to proceed with the BMT or put it off for 1-2 days. He is on two antibiotics and doing great. No fever, eating and drinking fine, playing, and laughing. Last Thursday we came in for a blood draw and the sample grew today. That's when they contacted us.

We had a relaxing day today and tied up some loose ends around the house. Emotionally, we are doing great. I feel at peace being here. When we pulled into the hospital parking lot I told David we were at the hospital. He gave me an enthusiastic, "Yeah!" Giggle.

The girls are being taken care of and are having a great time.

Thank you for the emails, phone calls, and prayers. The support we've received these last few months has been beyond understanding. Thank you!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You sound like you are taking everything in your stride..
we are on our countdown as well - we can compare notes,
hope everything goes well for you guys,